7 Cities To Move To For A Fresh Start | Pouted.com

Sometimes in life, people need a fresh outset. Whether they are graduating from higher or but looking to pack upwards and start anew, there are a diversity of questions to ask yourself before you outset packing your numberless; For case, location, population size, task growth, quality of life, unemployment rates, atmospheric condition, ect. Fifty-fifty the hobbies which are popular in the area you plan on moving to will affect your social life. That being said, don't get wrapped upward in trying to detect the perfect city; they all have their positives and negatives. If at that place was a perfect urban center, wouldn't everyone alive there?

 Portland, Oregon

Portland is a cracking place to start over, especially if you feel as if y'all don't fit in your current community. Self-expression is a big function of Portland'south community. Their slogan, "Keep Portland Weird," is commonly used amongst locals to define Portland as a place where yous are just yourself. Portland is also non a bad place if you lot are interested in finding a new career. With Portland beingness ranked the thirty-second best city to live in, and Oregon ranked as one of the tiptop 10 states to live in, there is an splendid housing market with high job growth. Particularly in the area of structure, finding a task won't exist that difficult. Though if you lot hate rain, get set up, equally Portland gets a ton of rain compared to other cities. Since Portland has a below boilerplate citizens age, this will probably not exist the place for retirees.

 Whiskey Creek, Florida

If you lot are looking for a place to retire, Whiskey Creek Florida may be the place for you. 10 minutes abroad from Fort Myers and not to far from the beach, a overnice pocket-sized suburban customs with a low crime charge per unit makes this place a dream for whatever retiree looking to alive out the rest of their life. The weather in florida is fantastic with temperatures experiencing average highs hitting 84 degrees fahrenheit. Furthermore Fort Myers/Whiskey Creek is ranked 15th in cities for retirees. Though similar with every city, Whiskey Creek has its downsides every bit this city is not a place for people looking for high economical growth. If hunting is your passion so watch out as Florida recently is irresolute it's gun purchasing age to 21 and is placing more restrictions on what guns are sold.

 Seattle, Washington

College graduates look no further! Seattle is the dwelling to a variety of tech companies such equally Amazon and Microsoft with a high corporeality of residents having their bachelor'south degrees in a Science or Business organisation field. When it comes to economical growth Washington is about 2% in a higher place the national average and a median income of $30,000 more than the national average. Though Seattle is non the perfect urban center people make information technology out to be, as they have a sales tax at a whooping nine.vi% and a higher price of living compared to the national average. Seattle's residents are also people who are nether the age of 30, so people outside of that age bracket may find it difficult to fit in.

 Des Moines, Iowa

Some of the cities mentioned earlier may be great for higher graduates and retirees, but what nearly the boilerplate consumer who may non have the funds to move to a big city? Des Moines is ranked number one in affordable cities to live in, at an average housing cost lower than the national average. Des Moines has a population of 600,000 people. With a population of this size, you get the advantages of living in a large city with a pocket-size boondocks experience. Getting to know your community is of import, specially if y'all intend to make a fresh kickoff in a brand new city. Des Moines is great for anybody looking to start over in a brand new customs that feels similar a family.

 Albuquerque, New Mexico

Albuquerque is groovy for people who want the best of both worlds, with great views of the Sandia Mountains and a pocket-size boondocks feel. Though it all the same has the aforementioned benefits and resource of a large urban center, Albuquerque is as well considered to be one of the cleanest cities in America, with a rich Mexican and Central American culture. Homes for sale in Albuquerque NM range in price, but the average will cost you around $180,000, lower than the national average though still higher than other choices on this list. Though y'all become what you pay for, with the splendid view and community you can't go wrong! If you are unmarried and looking to find someone, Albuquerque has a high population of non-married people.

 Overland Park, Kansas

If you lot are looking to move to a urban center with a safe customs, Overland Park is the city for you. Ranked the 8th safest city in the United States, with a criminal offence rate of 231 per 100,000 people there is very little crime in this closely knit city. There are plenty of places to visit, whether it is a local state park, a farmers market, a arts and crafts bear witness, or a local mall. Any person looking for a city with an farthermost rural experience will love Overland Park. With a bunch of hobbies such as hunting, fishing, and camping, there is e'er something to do. With the close customs, your neighbors feel similar family unit.

 Anchorage, Alaska

If you are looking to get off the grid and reinvent yourself, Anchorage is a great identify to live, every bit long as you don't hate the common cold. Anchorage is a various place with close to 100 different languages. in addition, it is peculiarly great if you love snowboarding, skiing, rock climbing, biking, or camping; at that place is never a dull moment in Anchorage! Many products are more expensive in Alaska, every bit well-nigh trucks have to spend a lot of fuel to go through Canada to deliver appurtenances. Anchorage has some of the most beautiful forests that are still untouched by man. If y'all have been striving for adventure and have been craving a new start, Anchorage is right for yous.



Source: https://www.pouted.com/7-cities-to-move-to-for-a-fresh-start/

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