Amazon Not Working When Selecting Continue Button at Checkout

Why Can't I Proceed To Checkout On Amazon? – You'll not be able to successfully make purchases on Amazon if you are unable to land at the checkout page. The checkout page needs to load so you can chose your payment method and authorize payment, if you can't get to the checkout page, its like you are hitting a rock on your way out of a tunnel.

This article will provide you with a comprehensive answer if you are unable to proceed to checkout on Amazon, the provided answers will definitely guide you to solve the problem and you'll be able to make purchases on Amazon successfully.

We've written lots of useful articles for both Amazon customers and employees, see them here.

Amazon Checkout Page

The Amazon checkout page is an integral part of Amazon's online purchase platform, it enables customers to successfully make payments for their purchases by providing them an opportunity to choose their payment methods and enter their payment details.
A customer will only be able to complete an order on Amazon after he or she has selected a payment method and enter payment details.
The Amazon checkout page is a quintessence of a retail store counter where customers make payments for items they've picked.
Purchases on Amazon won't be successful without the checkout page, this is why you should take your time to read this article further, you'll learn a lot of things.

Amazon Checkout Basket

When referring to online purchases, the Amazon checkout basket is a list of the items picked by the buyer ready for payment. Just like you'll get into a grocery store, pick up a basket and start shopping, you'll drop the basket at the counter once you are done shopping, the basket contains everything you are purchasing, that's the same with Amazon checkout basket, it contains everything the customer has picked and wants to pay for.
The checkout basket can also be called the shopping cart.

My Amazon Cart Items

These are the items you've selected for purchases on the Amazon platform. It contains every item a buyer wants to pay for on Amazon.
You can access your cart items anytime as long as you haven't yet made payment for them. To see your Amazon cart items, check on top of the Amazon home page and you'll see a cart icon, click on it to take you to your Amazon cart items.

Amazon Shopping Cart History

You probably want to make payment for items you selected a while ago on Amazon, the easiest way to find these items is the check your Amazon shopping cart history. As long as you had added those items to shopping cart, you should be able to find them there.
To see items in your shopping cart history, follow the guide below;

  • On your browser, visit Amazon website or open the Amazon app on your phone.
  • At the top right corner of the page, click on the 'Shopping Cart' icon.
    Your Amazon shopping cart history will be shown.

How To View Browsing History On Amazon

Browsing history contains all the items you have recently viewed on Amazon. It does not only contain items you have selected for purchase, but every item you have clicked and viewed.
To view your Amazon browsing history, follow the steps below.

  • On your browser, visit Amazon.
  • Log in to your Amazon account if you haven't already.
  • Take the pointer to 'Accounts & Lists", the menu is at the upper-right corner. Once you have done this, a drop-down menu will open.
  • Chose 'Browsing History'.
    Every product you have viewed will be displayed.

Another way to view your Amazon browsing history is by visiting the Amazon website on your laptop or desktop, scroll down to the page footer of the page and click on 'Browsing History'. See image below.

Proceed To Checkout Meaning

While shopping on Amazon, proceed to checking means to navigate to the page where you can pay for the items you have selected. You should only proceed to checkout once you are done shopping. You will be able to insert your payment details and pay for the items once you land at the checkout page.
Every e-commerce website has a checkout page, this gives a customer an overview of the items he or she has selected, the total sum and charges.

Why Can't I Proceed To Checkout On Amazon

Amazon Partial Checkout

Partial checkout happens when a customer doesn't want to pay for all the selected items yet. Let's say you selected 6 items to purchase but you currently want to pay for 2 of them while the remaining 4 still remain at your shopping cart, you'll need to do partial checkout.

Also Read: How To Set A Different Residential Address On Amazon (Explained)

Can I Do Partial Checkout On Amazon App?

As per our las check, the partial checkout option is only available on Amazon web page and not on the app.

How To Do Partial Checkout On Amazon

To do a partial checkout on Amazon, follow the steps below.

  • Select all the items you'll want to purchase in total.
  • Proceed to the Shopping Cart list.
  • Look closely at each of the items, there's a tiny checkbox just by each items, select the item(s) you want to make payment for immediately.
  • Proceed to checkout, the checked items will be summed up and you can only pay for them.

Why Can't I Proceed To Checkout On Amazon?

If you are unable to proceed to checkout on Amazon, it could be probably because there are Add-on items in your shopping cart and your order isn't up to $25 order amount, this is the minimum order amount to allow inclusion of Add-on items.
If your items are over $25 and you are still unable to proceed to checkout, you may need to log out of your Amazon account and log back in. Read our complete article on how to solve Amazon Checkout Errors.

My Amazon Cart Disappeared

If your Amazon cart disappeared after you had selected items ready to make payment, chances are that you have been logged out, try to log in again and you may see your shopping cart.
If the problem persists, clear your browser cookies, make sure that popups are not blocked in your browser settings.

How To Order From Amazon Without An Account

If you do not have an account on Amazon, you can still order for items and make payments. One thing you should note is that an account is needed for a purchase to be made on Amazon.
Since you do not have an account and not making plans to open a new one. The only way you can order from Amazon without an account is by using someone else's account to make the purchase.
You can also tell your friend or colleague to use their account and purchase the item for you.

Can I Order From Amazon As A Guest?

It is impossible to order from Amazon as a guest, an account need to be logged in for payment to be made. You can select items and add them to cart, payment for the selected items will only be done when you have logged in.


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