Fallout Who Are You Who Does Not Know Your History

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Ulysses' logs is a serial of half dozen holotapes in the Fallout: New Vegas addition Lonesome Road.


  • one Locations
  • two Transcripts
    • 2.1 Ulysses log: Y-17.fifteen
    • 2.two Ulysses log: Y-17.xvi
    • 2.3 Ulysses log: Y-17.17
    • 2.4 Ulysses log: Y-17.21
    • 2.five Ulysses log: Y-17.22
    • ii.half-dozen Ulysses log: Y-17.23


  • Ulysses log: Y-17.15 - Located just by the locked gates of Hopeville Missile Base - Loading station. In the bed of the overturned truck to the right of the gates, there is a toolbox amongst the military crates. The holotape is inside the toolbox.
  • Ulysses log: Y-17.21 - Next to the marked men supply outpost, backside a locked gate (leveled difficulty). The key to the gate is available in a metal box within a trailer due west of the supply outpost. Past the gate and to the left, in that location is a set of metal shelves standing in the corner of the enclosed outside space. The holotape is on one of the shelves.
  • Ulysses log: Y-17.sixteen - In The Crow's Nest. Climb the toppled and ruined building from street level. At the top of that building, travel across a short gap to the open balcony of the next building over. The holotape is next to a bedroll on the balcony.
  • Ulysses log: Y-17.22 - Leaning against a rock wall next to a campfire at the Loftier Road's dead end. From the Junction 7 residual finish, head eastward and travel up the incline toward the highway. Past the "Smitty" sign, there is a metal box on the ground. Traverse the rock formation behind it eastward, which leads upward to a white and orange rear end of a truck trailer. From in that location, turn southwest to spot a smoking bivouac and the holotape behind information technology.
  • Ulysses log: Y-17.23 - Midway between Sunstone Tower roof and the basis. When descending from the roof, the rusted metallic structure will lead to a small room with stairs that atomic number 82 down. Do non continue downwards the stairs. The rusted structure continues out of that room, forming a bridge to another room marked by a blueish Sometime Earth flag. Enter the room marked past the flag, and look for a desk in forepart of a wall safe with an average-difficulty lock. The holotape is on the desk.
  • Ulysses log: Y-17.17 - West of Sunstone Tower roof. Detonate the warhead to clear the path, then plough right towards the entrance into the edifice that leads into the the Cave of the Abaddon. On 1'south left, there is a building lying on its side, next to a "Saturnite" neon sign. The edifice with the log has a white Old World flag sign on its roof. On the upper floor, at the far side from where the flooring is entered, there is a mattress. The holotape is underneath the mattress.


Ulysses log: Y-17.15

HMB loading station Ulysses log Y-17 15.jpg

"Back again, left that crater behind. Got a few holotapes left - ones from a medical center. The woman, she fixed the recorder, said it wouldn't last. Repayment for me fixing her. She doesn't like debts, can respect that. Payment enough only to hear someone who believes in the Alliance of Steel. Not Elijah. Unlike view, aforementioned madness. She answered me on their philosophy, their way of seeing the roads they walk. Dead ends, empty, as if technology tin solve anything. Big Empty's proof where that road leads but like the Separate and all the roads that pb to information technology."

Ulysses log: Y-17.xvi

Crow's Nest Ulysses' log Y-17 16.jpg

"Big Empty - there's something hidden at that place, a crater, past air current and sand - so deep in the desert at that place's no turning back. Finding the crater was an blow, was following the weather condition patterns - the Split sky torn similar that, homo'southward violence, not nature's. That violence in the sky had a source. Tracked information technology like post-obit a river current. Left the colors to mark my way, like ever, case someone finds them, learns the pattern - the Courier might. When I thought sand and wind would never end ... came to the crater. And there ... there was an Old World facility, a atmospheric condition station, at the edge, withal raking the sky with electricity and generators. And beyond information technology ... saw the residue of the Old World hell there, all carved up like garden plots. Had to see what was there, couldn't leave information technology be. Things sleep in the Large Empty, the Brotherhood woke them up - tin can't move tranquillity, whatever more than than the two-headed Comport can. And when they woke up, it was like all of history waking up at once. Almost didn't go far out. Almost. Left with answers I never intended."

Ulysses log: Y-17.17

Sunstone Tower Ulysses' log Y-17 17.jpg

"Take yous ever wanted to speak to history - just to know the why of information technology? I don't, not whatsoever longer. There'south old stories about gods and men, past history, into myth - where the gods, they're like children, petulant, brutal. Those were the voices of the Big Empty, the past. Couldn't leave well enough lone, had to ask. Had to enquire the why of it. Their answers were madness. And power, stronger than me, would have a hundred Elijahs ... someone tougher than him or I to best them in their Dome. They didn't know why they were at that place, what had led to that signal, their names - like serpents devouring themselves, cannibalizing their own thoughts. When all seemed lost, thought it was the terminate - my anger gave me strength to ask them my concluding question. 'Who are you, that do not know your history?' and they awoke ... for a curt time. The flag you lot vesture, they said. We remember, America. Information technology wasn't just a flag to them ... it was a identify, an idea they had cared for. Once. They told me what it was like to grow in that earth ... all they had done to elevator information technology up ... protect it. They ... didn't know information technology was gone, that ... still they had cared one time. Earlier forgetting their history. As they were talking ... kept seeing the Courier's shadow behind them, giving each of their words weight. History cast bated ... a home, left behind. I listened. I asked. Was in that location annihilation left? Anything that nevertheless carries America's voice? And they told me I had already been in that location. I and one other, walking right out of history deeper than we knew. They told me what lies in the eye of the Divide, what can be found there. And the words to awaken it - and the one to speak them."

Ulysses log: Y-17.21

FNVLR Ulysses log Y-17 21.jpg

Ulysses log Y-17.21 audio recording

"Emptiness hither - like the sands of the Bully Common salt Lake, echoed. The beating in the Divide sky ... similar storm drums of the White Legs. Ran with them on the common salt beds, at Caesar'southward command - cut the throats of the 2-headed Bear, cutting all communities off. Use storm, sky. Illness, fire, starvation ... and the violence of the ignorants to ruin all who could ... might stand against him. But the White Legs ... they couldn't live on their ain, similar nearly scavengers. And then gave them purpose - turned their hunger into a weapon. The wall of New Canaan... also high for Caesar. Also proud, maybe - or maybe something there from his by, that needed killing ... Memory of Graham. Helped them dig out Canaan supply caches, and other secrets the sands hid - bunkers, filled with powered weapons fifty-fifty the Brotherhood might desire. They chosen these new weapons "storm drums" in the firing of shells. Taught them the ability in the casings ... to channel the spirits into their guns. Me ... they called me the Flag-Bearer. Glory in my hand, in my staff that still bore the weight of the Old World just equally the symbol on my back did. I learned their weapons equally a means of respect. And when it came their turn to pay respect to me ... history came rushing dorsum. Can't escape what's been done. History's there ... no matter how far y'all walk."

Ulysses log: Y-17.22

FNVLR Ulysses log Y-17.22.jpg

"I walked the Slap-up Salt Lake every bit Caesar's eye, then his mitt. Mongrels there, two-legs and four. Saw the walls of New Canaan, the scavengers circled... hadn't the forcefulness or burn to accept. Too high, as well stiff. White Legs, they were born for war, they run to it, hungry for battle... nevertheless their hunger is to be a office of history, something larger. Like the Legion. As e'er, brought them a bulletin - from Caesar. If New Canaan burns, Caesar might see them. 'Might.' Fifty-fifty the take a chance was a lie. To laurels Caesar - destroy the history of New Canaan, and the mode they comport it - in their generations and family. Caesar respects such forcefulness, I told them. That - that was truth, even if 'strength' wasn't the word. Obedience. You must be willing to impale anyone, children, mothers, the weak, elders... If these New Canaanites value the generations, that is what yous must impale. Information technology was like Vulpes was speaking through me. Use the night silence, and fire to modify their words to pleas, to screams. No need for bombs when hate will do. I... asked the White Legs to destroy a people with beginnings, going dorsum thousands of years - another death of history, lost to fourth dimension. The New Canaanites... they supplied medicine, nutrient, traded with others. Culture, a hand from the past, not history. But maybe a past deeper, further than that to a place where this ... God really exists. If so, his handiwork and people belong elsewhere, not in this place. Some other symbol, like Bear and Bull, with no meaning in the nowadays."

Ulysses log: Y-17.23

Ulysses' log Y-17 23.jpg

"The White Legs... meant to show respect, bribe me for Caesar'south favor, echoing mannerisms and words ... Showed them tech caches, taught them the workings of chamber and powder, spoke of Caesar'south pride in those that used such things... lies. And... and then... they tried to honor me - not the Legion. They brought me before the campfire one night, showed me how they inverse themselves, how they wore their hair at present. It was like my entire dead tribe in the firelight, teeth grinning red in the dark - eager corpses, blood-covered ghosts. They... had taken my braids, the mode of the Twisted Hairs, as if it showed they were similar me, of me... while every knot in their braids spoke of raping, violence - and ignorance of what the knots meant. They thought to show respect... defiled it. Lost myself in trying to read the braids they wove, when I remembered they had put no meaning in it. They had no history of what information technology meant. They didn't even know the insult in the twists, knots... and Dry Wells came rushing back, the White Legs circled like that... It was like looking at the expressionless of my tribe, reborn as ghosts - hateful, hungry, bowing to Caesar. Another history... gone, carried by me alone."

Fallout: New Vegas holotapes


Source: https://fallout.fandom.com/wiki/Ulysses%27_logs

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