Why Did Paris Population Grow Again in the Early 21st Cntury

Paris Population 2022


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Paris is a bustling city that is full of life and season. As the capital letter city of France, the city is home to numerous government buildings, but it is known for its quaint cobblestone paved streets and rich historical landmarks.

Landmark of Paris - Eiffel Tower

Ane of the well-nigh infamous landmarks in Paris is the Eiffel Belfry. Each twelvemonth, the Eiffel Tower has nigh 7 million visitors, and in 2010, the Eiffel Tower had its 250 millionth company.

Paris Population Size

The rest of the city is often simply as bustling with activity of urban center life, with a 2016 estimated population of 2.2 1000000 residents living inside its metropolis limits.

Population of Paris Demographics

According to recent estimates, the population of the city of Paris is 2,206,488, representing a small decline in population numbers from 2014.

Nevertheless, the population of the surrounding suburbs is estimated to be around 10.five million, which makes it the most populous urban area in the European Marriage. Today, the people who live in Paris and the surrounding areas have a slightly higher than boilerplate income and a younger median age in comparison with the residuum of France. These people besides are largely diverse and more immigrants live in Paris and its surrounding cities than they practise in the residuum of France.

History of Population in Paris

After Globe War I, the population of Paris first reached three million inhabitants. The war was over, and many people were moving to the city in guild to have access to merchants and various goods that were hard to detect elsewhere in the country. The city began to bustle shortly after the war and was 1 of the outset parts of France that began to recuperate. For the rest of the 20th century, the population began to decline slightly, and by the 1960s, it fell dramatically to 2.2 million people. During this time period, other big cities effectually the globe including London and New York City also saw a major decrease in their populations. At the beginning of the 21st century, French republic's population began to ascent again, and between 1999 and 2009, there was a consistent growth of approximately 100,000 people per yr. This is due to the large amount of people aged xviii-twoscore living in the area that had children.

Parisian People

The people who live in and around Paris are very different from those who alive in other parts of France. Not only is their income higher and the median age of people in the city is younger than that of French republic equally a whole (which is 41.i years), but they as well live very active lives and are fairly relaxed. One of the reasons that many people live in and around Paris is due to the loftier wages in the metropolis. In the Parisian region, higher wages are normal, and people can make more money in the urban center doing a job than they can in the countryside doing the aforementioned field. The average household income in Paris is approximately 36,085 Euros, which is sixty% higher than French republic's national average. However, wages fluctuate depending on the arrondissement effectually Paris. For case, median income in the 7th arrondissement is over 41,000 Euros. In general, people who live in the Western parts Paris make more money than those who live in other parts of the city.

The people of Paris are too quite diverse. Paris is considered the near diverse city in Europe, and it is estimated that effectually 23% of the population migrated to Paris sometime subsequently they were born. Many of these people also immigrated to French republic. twenty% of the Parisian population consists of first generation immigrants, and at least 40% of children who live in Paris take one parent who was a start generation immigrant. Clearing levels are very loftier in Paris, and emigration levels are almost just as high. People tend to immigrate to the metropolis when they are young, however once they reach retirement age, they migrate to the countryside in guild to live a more peaceful and less expensive life.

Year Population
2035 12,064,575
2034 11,995,965
2033 11,925,823
2032 xi,854,487
2031 xi,782,435
2030 11,709,788
2029 11,636,784
2028 11,563,637
2027 11,490,720
2026 xi,418,290
2025 11,346,802
2024 11,276,701
2023 xi,208,440
2022 xi,142,303
2021 11,078,546
2020 11,017,230
2019 10,958,187
2018 10,900,952
2017 10,844,847
2016 10,789,031
2015 10,733,502
2014 x,678,259
2013 10,623,301
2012 ten,568,701
2011 10,514,232
2010 ten,460,118
2009 10,385,393
2008 10,311,304
2007 10,237,542
2006 ten,164,407
2005 10,091,795
2004 x,019,801
2003 9,948,123
2002 9,877,056
2001 ix,806,497
2000 ix,736,538
1999 9,666,887
1998 9,619,628
1997 9,582,980
1996 9,546,522
1995 9,510,103
1994 9,473,873
1993 9,437,781
1992 9,401,876
1991 9,366,009
1990 9,330,327
1989 ix,265,459
1988 nine,187,270
1987 9,109,528
1986 9,032,550
1985 viii,956,222
1984 8,880,643
1983 eight,805,496
1982 8,731,086
1981 eight,691,787
1980 viii,669,349
1979 8,646,908
1978 eight,624,556
1977 8,602,261
1976 eight,580,055
1975 8,557,844
1974 eight,501,853
1973 8,427,449
1972 viii,353,797
1971 8,280,588
1970 8,208,120
1969 viii,136,287
1968 8,065,180
1967 7,994,501
1966 7,924,537
1965 7,855,185
1964 7,786,535
1963 seven,718,298
1962 vii,650,751
1961 7,539,888
1960 7,410,735
1959 7,283,448
1958 vii,158,517
1957 seven,035,730
1956 vi,915,213
1955 6,796,437
1954 6,679,860
1953 vi,348,227
1952 6,326,446
1951 six,304,680
1950 half-dozen,283,018

Paris Population 2022

Year Population Growth Rate Growth
2035 12,064,575 0.57% 68,610
2034 11,995,965 0.59% lxx,142
2033 eleven,925,823 0.sixty% 71,336
2032 eleven,854,487 0.61% 72,052
2031 11,782,435 0.62% 72,647
2030 11,709,788 0.63% 73,004
2029 11,636,784 0.63% 73,147
2028 xi,563,637 0.63% 72,917
2027 11,490,720 0.63% 72,430
2026 11,418,290 0.63% 71,488
2025 11,346,802 0.62% 70,101
2024 xi,276,701 0.61% 68,261
2023 11,208,440 0.59% 66,137
2022 11,142,303 0.58% 63,757
2021 11,078,546 0.56% 61,316
2020 11,017,230 0.54% 59,043
2019 ten,958,187 0.53% 57,235
2018 10,900,952 0.52% 56,105
2017 10,844,847 0.52% 55,816
2016 x,789,031 0.52% 55,529
2015 10,733,502 0.52% 55,243
2014 x,678,259 0.52% 54,958
2013 10,623,301 0.52% 54,600
2012 10,568,701 0.52% 54,469
2011 10,514,232 0.52% 54,114
2010 10,460,118 0.72% 74,725
2009 10,385,393 0.72% 74,089
2008 10,311,304 0.72% 73,762
2007 ten,237,542 0.72% 73,135
2006 10,164,407 0.72% 72,612
2005 10,091,795 0.72% 71,994
2004 ten,019,801 0.72% 71,678
2003 ix,948,123 0.72% 71,067
2002 nine,877,056 0.72% lxx,559
2001 9,806,497 0.72% 69,959
2000 9,736,538 0.72% 69,651
1999 ix,666,887 0.49% 47,259
1998 nine,619,628 0.38% 36,648
1997 9,582,980 0.38% 36,458
1996 9,546,522 0.38% 36,419
1995 9,510,103 0.38% 36,230
1994 9,473,873 0.38% 36,092
1993 9,437,781 0.38% 35,905
1992 9,401,876 0.38% 35,867
1991 ix,366,009 0.38% 35,682
1990 9,330,327 0.seventy% 64,868
1989 ix,265,459 0.85% 78,189
1988 9,187,270 0.85% 77,742
1987 9,109,528 0.85% 76,978
1986 ix,032,550 0.85% 76,328
1985 viii,956,222 0.85% 75,579
1984 8,880,643 0.85% 75,147
1983 eight,805,496 0.85% 74,410
1982 8,731,086 0.45% 39,299
1981 8,691,787 0.26% 22,438
1980 eight,669,349 0.26% 22,441
1979 8,646,908 0.26% 22,352
1978 viii,624,556 0.26% 22,295
1977 viii,602,261 0.26% 22,206
1976 8,580,055 0.26% 22,211
1975 eight,557,844 0.66% 55,991
1974 8,501,853 0.88% 74,404
1973 8,427,449 0.88% 73,652
1972 8,353,797 0.88% 73,209
1971 8,280,588 0.88% 72,468
1970 8,208,120 0.88% 71,833
1969 8,136,287 0.88% 71,107
1968 8,065,180 0.88% 70,679
1967 7,994,501 0.88% 69,964
1966 7,924,537 0.88% 69,352
1965 vii,855,185 0.88% 68,650
1964 seven,786,535 0.88% 68,237
1963 seven,718,298 0.88% 67,547
1962 seven,650,751 1.47% 110,863
1961 vii,539,888 one.74% 129,153
1960 7,410,735 1.75% 127,287
1959 7,283,448 1.75% 124,931
1958 7,158,517 1.75% 122,787
1957 seven,035,730 i.74% 120,517
1956 6,915,213 i.75% 118,776
1955 half dozen,796,437 1.75% 116,577
1954 half dozen,679,860 5.22% 331,633
1953 6,348,227 0.34% 21,781
1952 6,326,446 0.35% 21,766
1951 6,304,680 0.34% 21,662
1950 6,283,018 0.00%

Paris Population Data (Urban Surface area)

Name 2022 Population 2022 Growth
Paris xi,142,303 0.58%
Lyon 1,747,575 0.81%
Marseille 1,620,227 0.40%
Lille 1,073,395 0.50%
Toulouse one,049,246 1.17%
Bordeaux 990,650 1.07%
Prissy 945,312 0.21%
Nantes 692,582 one.05%
Toulon 583,719 0.42%
Grenoble 533,773 0.58%
Douai Lens 501,583 0.13%
Strasbourg 480,818 0.59%
Avignon 474,890 0.58%
Montpellier 473,206 1.14%
Rouen 472,481 0.30%
Saint Etienne 376,708 0.28%
Tours 363,658 0.48%
Rennes 361,637 i.05%
Bethune 360,067 0.31%
Valenciennes 339,863 0.thirty%

Other Cities in France

  1. The National Institute of Statistics and Economic Studies - Paris population and demographic information
  2. Urbistat Paris - Province of Paris demographic data



Source: https://worldpopulationreview.com/world-cities/paris-population

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